Municipal Solid Wastes ( MSW )
Municipal Solid Wastes, defined as trash, are a highly non-homogeneous mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
Statistics shows that Urban India generates about 62 million tons of MSW alone, every year. , of which, about 43 million tonnes is collected. Only about 11.9 million tonnes of these are treated and 31 million tonnes are dumped in landfill sites. With rapid urbanization and consumption patterns, it is expected that our MSW will be about 165 million tons by 2030.
We provide our expertise to Local Self Governments/Individual Households/Resident Associations in MSW collection, transportation, and treatment.
Benefits of Service
- 1 We provide door-to-door collection services, by directly collecting wastes from Households/Resident Associations/Municipal Bodies.
- 2 We procure Wastes from HarithaKarmaSena and thus provide them with a recurring income.
- 3 Our expert team will collect, segregate and transfer a broad variety of Municipal Solid Waste:-

Bio Degradable Wastes ( BDW )
In India, a little over 50 percent of MSW are Bio-Degradable Wastes.
Unscientific dumping of BDW, produces landfill gases, which mainly consists of, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and numerous trace components. Methane is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas after CO2 and is responsible for approximately 40% of global warming over the past 150 years.
Emissions from landfill sites account for 10% of anthropogenic methane emissions worldwide.
Estimates show that, globally, if food waste could be represented as its own country, it would be the third-largest greenhouse gas emitter, behind China and the U.S.
If we segregate biodegradable waste from the rest, it could reduce the challenges by half.
We help you categorizing BDW into:-
- 1 Kitchen Wastes.
- 2 Horticulture Wastes
- 3 Slaughter house Wastes
EcoWEplus, with its advanced technology and expert team, helps you in producing, sustainable and economically viable rich compost.
Non Bio Degradable wastes ( NBDW )
NBDW is any waste that cannot be degraded by microorganisms into simpler stable Compounds.
Plastic waste
According to Central Pollution Control Board, on average Plastic contributes about 6.92 % of Municipal Solid Waste. Urban India alone, generates 26000 tonnes of plastic wastes every day. Plastics generated from land-based activities create a negative impact on the environment, specifically on Marine Life.
Plastic Wastes include Plastic wrappers, bottles, food container, ropes, parts of electronic items, bags, jars, trash bags, zip lock bags, inside cereal box plastic, bubble wrap, clear plastic wrap, some department store bags, potato chip bags, single cheese wrappers, 6-pack plastic, and candy wrappers.
EcoWEplus offers professional Plastic Waste Management solutions and ensures maximum resource recovery.
We work along with LSG and Haritha karma sena, to ensure, 100 % segregation and regular collection of plastics
Collected wastes will be transported safely to our Godown.
Non-recyclable plastics will be sent to cement and incineration plants.
Other NBDW, we deal with, includes:-
- 1 Domestic hazardous waste
- 2 Sanitary waste
- 3 Glass
- 4 Metal
- 5 Leather
- 6 Other Inert Waste
Drain cleaners, oil paint, motor oil, antifreeze, fuel, poisons, pesticides, herbicides and rodenticides, fluorescent lamps, lamp ballasts, smoke detectors, medical waste, cleaning chemicals, and Batteries.
Disposable Diapers and Sanitary Pads, Panty Liners, Tampons, Used Cotton, and Bandages.
Packing or container glass, flat glass, bulb glass, and cathode ray tube glass